I Have Moved!

This is now an archived only site. I have moved all of this content and continue to add new stories and photos at my new website: www.thebigepic.com Please join me over there!

*If you have previously followed this blog via WordPress Reader, I was unable to move your contact information to my new site. Your subscription no longer works. Don’t Miss Out! Please go to the website and subscribe for email notification of each new post. (Subscription form found in sidebar on a computer, at very bottom of site on a mobile phone)*

All Things New

After weeks of behind-the-scenes work, I’m happy to announce that my on-line world is changing. My core passions are still strong: telling stories, finding beauty via art and photos, chasing adventures, mentoring others and spending time in Nature. But, as I mentioned in a previous post (click HERE to read it), I have found a new career that encompasses all of these things. To be more professional, I am expanding my presence on-line.

I have a new website with an easier to remember URL. Now I can be found at www.thebigepic.com. Everything is up and running (and looking pretty). I have told you before how supportive my husband is of me reaching for dreams. (Read blog posts about him HERE and HERE.) Big shout-out to hubby who once again rescued me! He did much of the tech-work to set up the website plus mopped up buckets of tears when I was overwhelmed.

The Big Epic blog will be a focus of the website. The stories and photos you enjoy will always be the centerpiece! We already have new adventures on our calendar for this spring and summer. (You ARE coming with us virtually, aren’t you?) In addition, there will eventually be stories and resources related to Forest Therapy. Current subscribers (who receive notification of each new post via email) are being moved along with the blog. (Don’t worry—no packing boxes required. I will do the “moving” for you!) *If you follow this blog via WordPress, you will no longer see new posts after this one. Don’t miss out! Please head to the website and subscribe for email notifications!*

Most of you know that I’m comfortable being very open about what’s going on in my life. I have been urged, however, that it would be wise to separate “personal” from “business” on Facebook. I’ve put together a new page for The Big Epic. (Click HERE to check it out. Please “Like” and “Follow” to see new things I post there.) Within the next few weeks, I will regularly add nature photos, links to new blog posts, tips for connecting with nature, mini stories of outdoor adventures, and more.

You’ve seen many of the photos I have taken of beautiful scenery and tiny wonders found on our adventures. Most of you probably don’t know that I collect quotes (pages and pages and pages of them…let’s not talk about all of the computer files, notebooks, and binders filled with quotes, okay?!) I am making collaged scrapbook pages to illustrate “Lessons from the Forest.” Photos of these pages will be gradually added to a gallery on the website. I’m also learning how to add quotes directly to digital photos. In the next few weeks, I will begin sharing these photos on a new Instagram account for The Big Epic.

I am excited about all the new things happening with The Big Epic! I so much appreciate the encouragement many of you have given me. I look forward to continuing our conversations in new ways and new places on the internet.

Lessons from my Mama

In January, I participated in a snail mail group. Each week, we were given a topic to exchange notes with our assigned partner. The final assignment was to summarize life lessons we have learned from our mothers (or other women/mentors in our lives). Here is some good advice for anyone dreaming of living a life filled with “Big Epic” adventures:

Never Travel Without Your SwimsuitBe prepared to say yes to unexpected opportunities!

If needs be, Travel Cheap! There’s always a way to reach for dreams, even if you have to adjust your expectations to make it happen.

Spread the Love—Invite Friends to Join YouOne year even the mailman came to Thanksgiving dinner! … yes, really! (It’s a long story… )

Here’s the summary of Big Epic Advice I have learned from my mama: Be ready for unexpected opportunities to reach for your dreams—and invite others to join you along the way. THANKS, MOM!